How to Create dynamic SharePoint HR Portals

Portal can be one way to do this, but it must be designed in a way that is dynamic and easy to use. This article will provide information on how you can create an effective SharePoint HR Portal for your organization so people can find vital info in one location.

HR Portal Setup

The first step in setting up your HR Portal is to create a Site Collection. This will be the top-level site for your HR Portal and will contain all of the pages and resources that learners need to access. You can then create a sub-site for each department within your organization, or you can simply have one main HR Portal site with all of the departments listed under it.

Once you have created your Site Collection, you will need to add some pages and configure the settings so that it is ready for learners. The following are some of the most important pages that you will want to include:

Home Page – This page should act as a landing page for learners and provide them with an overview of what the HR Portal is and how they can use it to find information. You should also include a link for them to create an account so that they will be able to log in and access the portal.

FAQ – An FAQ page is important because learners may have questions about what the HR Portal is or why you are creating one. This page should answer any of these questions, plus provide information on where people can go if their question isn’t addressed here—for example, if someone wants help with logging in or navigating through your system.

Contact Us – It is always good practice to list contact info somewhere on your site in case anyone has issues accessing certain pages or requires support from IT staff when using SharePoint. Providing this type of information upfront will help to avoid any confusion or frustration on the part of learners.

Employee Resources – This page should contain links to all of the resources that employees need in order to do their job, such as policies and procedures, forms, training materials, etc. You can also add sub-pages for each type of resource so that it is easy for learners to find what they are looking for.

Learning Center – The Learning Center is a key part of your HR Portal and should include information on topics such as onboarding, performance management, compliance training, and more. You can also add course modules here so that people can complete their training online.

The final step is to configure settings for your HR Portal so that it is ready for learners. To do this, you will need to create an account and log in as an administrator. Then, navigate to the Site Collection that you created and click on “Site Settings”. Under “Look and Feel”, you will want to configure the following settings:

Title – This is the name of your HR Portal and it will be displayed at the top of the page.

Description – You can enter a brief description of your HR Portal here so that people know what it is for.

Logo – If you have a company logo, you can upload it here. The logo will be displayed at the top of the page next to the title.

Favicon – This is the small image that will be displayed in the address bar of browsers and next to the title on desktop devices.

Header Image – You can upload a header image for your HR Portal here. The image will be displayed at the top of the page and it is recommended that you use an image that is 1920px x 1080px or larger.

Background Color – This setting allows you to choose a background color for your HR Portal. We recommend using a light color so that the content is easy to read.

After configuring these settings, your HR Portal will be ready for learners! Be sure to promote it through your company’s social media channels and website so people know where to go when they need information about their job or want to complete training.

What is an Employee Handbook and Why do I Need One?

An Employee Handbook is a document that outlines the policies and procedures of your company. It is important to have one because it provides employees with information on how to do their job correctly and helps to protect your company from any legal issues.

When creating an Employee Handbook, it is important to include topics such as:

– Company overview

– Employment status (e.g., full-time, part-time, contract)

– Hours of work

– Salary and benefits

– Leaves of absence (e.g., vacation, sick leave, parental leave)

– Workplace conduct (e.g., Harassment & Discrimination Policies)

– Health and safety

– General procedures (e.g., compensation, payroll)

– Training and career development opportunities

– Termination of employment

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